Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Top-20 Albums of 2013, no.10: Poliça - Shulamith

Poliça's Shulamith, their second album, is named after their favourite feminist writer, Shulamith Firestone. She's singer Channy Leaneagh's muse and inspiration here, continuing on the unsettling and dark path they started on with their first work, Give You The Ghost. Ryan Olsen seemingly has tightened everything here, making this one more consise and robust than their debut. At the same time everything sounds clearer and more precise, more to the point, in contrast to the hazyness and murkiness of before. It does not pack the same punch but, if you like them, you'll love this. They keep us on our toes which is not something I can say for most artists on their second album.

no.11: Scott Matthew - Unlearned
no.12: Phosphorescent - Muchacho
no.13: Laura Mvula - Sing For The Moon
no.14: The Ballet - I Blame Society
no.15: Son Lux - Lanterns
no.16: Gustaf Spetz - Saknaden
no.17: Daughter - If You Leave
no.18: Larry Gus - Years Not Living
no.19: Pan Pan - Missing Two Trains On Purpose 
no.20: inc. - No World

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