Wednesday, June 24, 2015

This After Hours show was dedicated to the Carly Simon album "Hello Big Man: from 1983. It is an old favourite of mine, bringing back lots of memories, especially of the summer of 1984, when, having summer lessons every weekday for my English Cambridge Lower exams, I'd start my day listening to the namesake song from this album before going to class. Still love it to bits.


Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Sandman Chronicles on Poplie radio, 07/06/2015

After Hours on Poplie radio: Prefab Sprout - Steve McQueen - 27/05/2015

This is a show of mine from the After Hours zone of Poplie radio, where each DJ from the station presents one album that he considers special. Again I tried to comment on each and every song and talk about why it is important. not only for me but also for music history, as it is considered one of the best albums ever, finding its position in many music magazines and critics top-100 lists of all-time-best albums.